Curieux(se) de connaître comment nos cofondateurs, William et Gabriel ont créé KaseMe?
Find out how our business evolved throughout the years. Let-us tell you that it wasn’t as easy or fancy as we see in movies.
So, here is our story….
Gabriel was studying at HEC Montreal. Throughout his academic (journey), he put up a project to make cellphones cases for businesses (with the logo of the business). After graduating, he started an online store with Shopify, without any specific marketing strategies in mind.
En 2015, William and Gabriel, who had not seen each other for a couple of years, went out to have a beer. Gabriel started talking about the phone case project, which caught William’s attention right away. They decided then decided to partner up. They began the production in the basement of Gabriel family cottage. William is in charge of marketing and business development, while Gabriel is in charge of finance, production, packaging, and information technology.
In 2016, they hired Marie-Renée, William’s mother, to help them with production.
En 2017, Ils déménagent enfin du sous-sol pour aller dans des bureaux officiels. William fera un virage à temps plein chez KaseMe, pour développer au maximum l'entreprise. L'équipe s’agrandit également à 6 personnes.
En 2018, Gabriel consacre 100% de son temps à KaseMe. L'équipe s'élargit encore à 9 employés au total.
June 7th 2018, Gabriel and William appeared on the show Oeil du Dragon (Dragons Den). No deal was made, but this TV appearance gave great visibility to the company.
In 2019, KaseMe moved for the second time to much bigger offices which were more suitable for what the company needed.
In 2020, even with the Covid pandemic hitting hard, the team kept on growing to reach a total of 20 employees. The company was rolling and they doubled their revenues. KaseMe also started conquering the US market.
In 2021, KaseMe has currently 23 employees, and we are once again expanding the size of our offices. We are continuing our expansion in Canada and the United States. We are in over 130 retailers throughout Canada and we have sold around 225 000 cases this year.
For 2022, many new projects are about to be launched. New products, new markets and more visibility. We are thrilled by what awaits us in the future.
In other words, we are thriving and it’s all because of you guys!
Thank you very much for supporting KaseMe since it first saw the day.